Opening Post – September 24, 2010 – A Tribute to Jim Eerkes
Technology is truly amazing and we live in a world that is being significantly influenced and changed by its use. Who, 7 years ago, would have ever thought relationships would start (and end) on something called Facebook?
The Internet provides a medium for all to learn, communicate, and share. My postings have these factors in mind.
Photography has been a passion in my life for more than 35 years. I started shooting with an old Argus C3 of my Dad’s back in high school. My interest did not peak until a good friend of mine, Jim Eerkes, asked if he could borrow the old C3 which was gathering dust in my room.
Jim started taking pictures and helped to create my passion for taking pictures. Soon we were bulk loading film and had our own darkrooms. It was and still is a great hobby and was a common interest in our friendship.
Jim also loved to fly and we went flying quite a bit in high school (back in the 70′s). I loved the technology but did not have the stomach for flying. Jim, a time or two, sensed this and would do a stall or some other maneuver to bring me right to the point of tossing my cookies. He had an uncanny sense of when to stop as I never did hurl in our flights.
Most all of my early local area aerial photography was taken while flying with Jim. Jim was taken from this world early in 2001 and he is missed very much. My opening blog is dedicated to Jim and our friendship.